Subconscious Mind | Dona Rutowicz
Finding Love After Divorce:
A Free Audiobook To Help You Attract Lasting Love
Unlock the patterns and behaviors that have kept you single, stuck, and unhappy after divorce!
Love after divorce DOES exist, and it is completely available to you! This free audiobook will walk you through uncovering the thoughts and belief patterns that have kept you from attracting true love after dealing with the trauma of divorce. 
Free Audio Book
"How to Unlock the Power of
the Subconscious Mind"

This will change EVERYTHING for you!
The true power in Dona's teachings lies not in our conscious knowledge, but in gaining access to the vast trove of beliefs, assumptions and narratives that reside beyond our awareness in the subconscious mind. 
Dona is a renowned expert in the field of divorce and relationships and is currently one of the only coaches in the world who can move you from heartbreak to heartset in just 12 weeks. 
This audiobook was personally narrated by Dona Rutowicz, Clinical Psychotherapist and Relationship Coach. She is committed to helping women achieve exceptional well-being and empowering them with the identity, psychology, and mindset for an extraordinary life and attracting their true life partner. 
 What to expect: 
How to use your DIVORCE AS A CATALYST FOR AN AMAZING LIFE, without it taking years ... and the secret trick to seeing results almost immediately.  
The methods you will use to put an end to power struggles FOR GOOD, and remove all the same toxic emotional behavior patterns that have been keeping you stuck and wondering if you'll meet the right man to have an amazing and passionate life with.
How to stay 100% true to yourself, truly getting over your divorce, regaining your confidence, and opening yourself up to true love.  
This audiobook is designed to help you eradicate the pain of the past, heal your soul fracture and attract true love!
Dona is a renowned expert in the field of divorce and relationships. She is one of the only coaches in the world who specializes in this area only. 

You'll gain the tools necessary for personal growth and transformation while being supported in an environment of trust.

Dona is an authority on love and relationships. She teaches professional, successful women how to attract the love of their lives without spending years in therapy and attracting the wrong men.
95% of your mental activity is where you unconsciously program either your successes or limitations. Learning to reshape those deeper subconscious patterns is the key to creating the life, love and prosperity you truly desire.
For it is here, in this 95% portion of our mental activity, where we unconsciously program either our successes or limitations. Learning to reshape those deeper subconscious patterns is therefore the key to creating the life, love and prosperity we truly desire.
About Dona
I'm the #1
Rapid Transformational Relationship Coach.

I closed my wait-listed, word of mouth therapy practice of 15 years and launched an online coaching company helping women like you recover their heart, heal their soul fracture, reclaim their power and live their best lives post divorce.

I created this audiobook for you as a way to help you break free from the past and manifest your dreams.

I believe in you! Don't give up!

 COPYRIGHT © 2024 Dona Rutowicz 